Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Laundry at home I: The washing

It is the Wonderwash and it has saved my hands on several occasions. I use it to wash baby clothes. It is true that their clothes get dirty very easily, but I never get enough "dirty onesies" to do a full load of laundry a day. Yes, I prefer to wash baby clothes daily. Otherwise my house will become a single drying rack on the day I do my general laundry.

When Juan Francisco was born, I used to wash his clothes by hand. IT DIDN'T LAST LONG! It took me forever to finish, and my fingers hurt so much!

And voila, with a couple of clicks plus a credit card, the machine came home. Literally, this is a bucket with a pressure lid. You put hot water, soap, and clothes, then you crank it until everything gets clean. The pressure inside makes the hot water and detergent penetrate the fabric, removing all the nasty stuff. Then you plug a very ingenious tube to drain it and it all goes to the sink. You add more water to rinse and that's it. Since I'm washing baby stuff, I rinse it again by hand, to make sure all the detergent is gone.

The process is not tedious. The "washing cycle" lasts for no more than 2 minutes. With one minute on a hand, and one minute on the other, my clothes are clean and I can compete against Michelle Obama's beautiful arms. In addition, it requires no electricity, and it saves water and detergent. Big success!!!

Duration: 5 minutes
Electricity: 0 watts
Bonus: Gentle arm workout


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